Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who am i? part 2

So i just reread my very first blog and I still think it sums up a big part of what makes me me but after studying groups and other aspects of life that form people, I now know why. Groups are a huge part of everyones lives. As we discussed way back in the beginning of the semester, we all belong to countless subgroups we are barely aware of. Some groups have more of an influence on us than others, but nevertheless they all have some pull on shaping us. I could have told you pre sal's class what groups the groups that have most pull on me. Now, I realize my family, friends, and cheer squad are not solely shaping the person I have become. Small things I am apart of voluntarily or involuntarily pull just as much weight. Things from FMP to just being a junior in high school actually shape me.

Theres also the stereotype aspect of the groups I am apart of that have a part of who I am or who I seem to be. I come from a long line of die hard Catholics. From a stereotypical point of view, I should be a very conservative and religious person. However, I'm not the type that is engrossed in religion as my grandparents are. They learned from their parents to first and foremost abide by the bible. I am just not as into it as they are. It's small stereotypes like that we have learned to think that lead to untrue and unnecessicary generalizations.

Through the course of this class I've grown to think less in terms of groups and stereotypes. I see how ridiculous they can be and no longer want to be so closed minded to other people. Volunteering at Amandola School in the city helped to fuel my new way of thinking. Before going to the school, I'll admit I was a little weary of the location we were going into. I had visions of seeing groups of people in ally ways wailing on others like they do in the movies. Of course, I was completely wrong and we pulled up to the school with no signs of a beating taking place in sight. I know there is no way I will be able to let go of everything I have grown to learn, but I hope day by day I can watch myself and be more open to who a person really is not just based on the groups they are associated with.

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