Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Meyer Article

The article we annotated for homework was a little disturbing to me. Before reading, I had never realized exactly how obedient we all are. I started to pay attention to the little things that I had felt were completely normal until now. Actions from the way we automatically date our papers and write our names in the upper write hand corner to raising our hands when a teacher asks a question would be completely out of the normal if we had not been taught from day 1 to do as we are told. I feel like the way our society is structured the majority of Americans would have participated in the study and "electricuted" someone purely out of the habit of obedience. I'm not positive on how far I would go in the study. I would hope it would only be until the other person breathes one word of pain.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey,

    really insightful. I think we are influenced in so many little ways like you said our heading on our papers etc... I realized everyday how I dress, how I talk, even what I think has been influenced.
