Thursday, February 12, 2009


So i was not one of the people in the boat on boat day. I am kind of glad because I got to watch each person's reaction to the decisions everyone was trying to make. Each of the people who had been kicked off the boat I thought to myself I would have booted them off as well. It got me thinking, though, what is it that made me think the exact same as the 16 people who were in the boat? Why did we choose to save certain people and discard others with the same reasons? This is not an exercise that we would learn to deal with in school but somehow we all had the same strategy of making decisions. It became clear after we discussed in class how different groups subconciously make the same choices because it is the norm for the group. Each and everyone of us in the class is connected by at least one group, if not many more. I wonder if the data would differ from city to city or state to state. Or better yet, is it more than just our community that is causing the parallel thoughts that we experienced?

I had cheerleading practice today for the first time this week. My teammates and I had never been more excited to see one another even though we had just spent two full days together and pass eachother in the halls at school. It opened my eyes to how much we thrive off of our little group. Its so much more than just a team because it feels like a community from the degree we depend on eachother. From what we discussed today and how everyone in the class seemed to relate to their respective groups, I think each group a person belongs to is more like a family than a culster they happen to belong to.

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