Thursday, March 19, 2009

the Man

Ever since we were little, we were told to listen to the teacher, do your homework, and stay away from the "bad kids". Little did we know those bad kids could actually end up having the potential to be more successful than those who have done what they were told. When we read the article about Beavis and Barbie in class today, I agreed whole heartedly what it was saying. It happens all the time that a Beavis in class has the ability to slack off, not do his/her homework, not listen to the teacher, but still be able to pull off as good as a grade that the model student Barbie recieves. Sometimes, kids just have the ability to not do their homework that is ment to be practice and still succeed because they can pick the material up faster than others. I don't think they should essentially be punished for this, but then again I do think its unfair that a hard working, obedient student should get a lower grade than someone who may be a disturbance to the class.


  1. I completely agree with this. Homework is meant to be practice, so when a kid doesn't do their homework and is still successful it is showing the teacher that they still mastered the material without the excess work. I agree that this is a hard topic to make a decision on though, since the other student who tried hard did more work to receive that grade, but if the quicker student is not a disruption to the class, I don't see the problem with the way they choose to get their grades.

  2. i really liked the beavis and barbie story too. all students approach a class differently. sometimes students who actually understand the material more are slackers, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a good grade.

  3. This is so true. I've noticed it in almost every class at Stevenson, and I'm sure almost everyone else has, too. I honestly don't even know what a solution would be, since it's not fair to the kids that try to not be recognized for their constant hard-work and dedication, but it's also not fair to the ones that are smart and don't need to do homework to understand the material to be penalized for that. It's a very tough situation. Great post!

  4. i agree with sammie.. i wouldnt be sure as to what the solution would be because I can totally see where the "Barbies" are coming from - they work harder than anyone and deserve to get rewarded for that, but then again, the "Beavis'" know what they have to do to succeed and in truth, its their education and their lives so if they want to do it their own way and still achieve what everyone else is, then let them!!
