Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Devience in all of us

After discussing devience this week in class, I took what we learned to the most sacred place on Earth: church. For being the place where devience is most discouraged, a lot of things that would be frowned upon go down. Instead sitting and listening to mass or simply being "good christians", I saw countless people texting. Even a few peoples phones went off during the sermon. I shouldn't be one to talk because I too would have been texting if my parents were not next to me ready to snatch my phone away the second they saw my fingers reach for it, but these people who are trying to portray themselves and their families as very religious were totally proving what the article we read in class was explaining. They, like the Saints in the article, were playing the system. They established their reputation with society by attending church, but then did things that society would have frowned upon if they had seen it.

Things like texting in church are no big deal compared to the devient things that many others are most likely doing so secreatively that no one will ever know. I believe society will never change in the sense that we will always have the good and the bad. The good may be forgiven for their devience and the bad may never. It's the way its been working for hundreds of years.

1 comment:

  1. way to go for not texting. i agree with you, you establish your reputation by the way you ask and how you follow the rules.
