Thursday, April 30, 2009

Secret Life of Poverty

This week, we read about a woman who tried to live like those in poverty. She set out for a minimum wage job and attempted to live off of the small salary. In her quest, she lived in a poor apartment building and a trailor park. She worked as a waitress at two different restaurants and as a maid in a hotel. The most significant thing about her trip, i think, was how her trip ended. She was working at the restaurant. It was one of the hardest days she endured because of the disrespect she was recieving from the customers and her boss. She simply walked out of the restaurant and decided she was finished with her experiment. I thought this was significant because she had the oppertunity to walk away from the outrageous treatment. Those who really could not live without the job would never have the ability to walk away from money. I also think that people in higher classes expect and demand a certain level of respect. Those in poverty are treated like crap by the people around them on a daily basis but cannot do anything about it because they would be out of a job. I think the higher the class is, the more respect they demand.


  1. it really upset me that she just walked out. i think that if she is going to do this experiment she shouldnt give up - she needs to realize that the people who are TRULEY in the situation she is pretending to be in cant just walk out on their lifes or everything will end for them.. :(

  2. I agree with your idea about the treatment of the poor. I think it is important here to reiterate that the poor often feel invisible. Also, think about how the treatment affected the roughnecks in the Saints and roughnecks. Imagine all of those in lower classes accepting those labels and how that must affect their life chances.
